Kumar Abhinav, Director at NATIONAL CLAT ACADEMY
A graduate of NLIU Bhopal, having cracked the CLAT in 2015 and earned a master’s degree from Jindal Global Law School, he started mentoring students for the CLAT. Over the past five years, he has successfully guided numerous students to admission in premier NLUs.
Shubham Saurav, Co-Founder
Mr. Shubham Saurav is a National Law Institute University, Bhopal law graduate. After earning his degree he has started his practice at Patna High Court. He has also participated in National & International Conferences during his graduation.
KAMENDRA RAY, Assistant Prosecution Officer
B.A.LL.B(Hons.), LL.M, (UGC NET- JRF), Pursuing Ph.D
Mr. Kamendra Ray holds a B.A.LL.B (Hons) degree with Specialization in Criminal Law and LL.M. degree with specialization in Constitutional and Administrative Law from National University of Study and Research in Law, Ranchi. His Area of expertise includes Criminal Law and Constitutional Law. Currently, He is pursuing Ph.D from Central University of Jharkhand.